Oh man, you won't believe what this past week has been like. I'm so unbelievably busy I don't even know what to say. And to think, classes haven't even started! Hell, I'm not even enrolled yet! Ugh. I'm approaching my senior year now so I guess it's normal for my responsibilities to pile up like my dirty laundry. I'll go to school tomorrow to process more shit. I don't even wanna think about it. God knows what hell I'll go through this time.
Manila Memories
(I know what I did last summer)
It's been weeks since my internship in Manila and I've been back for almost three weeks now yet memories of last summer still frequent my mind. My God, I miss my Manila lifestyle. Starbucks, Glorietta and Gateway malls, everything, even my daily activities as an intern. Ugh. I just hope next time I go there and experience stuff like that I'd be spending my own hard-earned pesos, not my parents', the guilt is nasty.
Anyway, Ive been so busy (and a lazyfuck) I haven't posted pictures and stories regarding my summer in Manila. I know it's long overdue, but what the hell. Here's a pictionary of the first part of my Manila adventures.

Hello Metro!

Lovely huh?

My connection's fucked up because I'm currently reading Bryanboy's shit. I'm gonna post a longer entry. Soon, hopefully. Wish me luck!
If you're reading this, please oh please FORCE me to post more pictures and stuff here. Damn, I could be really that lazy sometimes. It's like I wanna do it, but I just can't bring myself to hit the keys.
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