How was your Valentine's day? Mine? Hectic. Actually, the whole week was kkkrrrrazeee. However, I managed to go on a date with friends. It was really fun. It's just a bummer how I've never been on a romantic/something-like-that date on V Day. Nonetheless. I really enjoyed that V day dinner with friends. Friggin' fun.
Pics from my humble/cheap :) Valentine's dinner with pals:
Friends, me, and my recovering skin. Ugh.
School: 10 School Days Left
Graduation is just around the corner. It's very scary. Seriously. It's gonna be rough. I know it's been and will be difficult to reach that day when I'm in my toga, going up the stage to get my certificate, and all. Ugh. I don't even wanna elaborate on that. God knows what shit I have to go through in the coming days. Seriously. My school work are piling up. I don't even know where to start. There's this project however where we have to promote a place/tourism with the use of a window display and print ads. Our group is promoting BORACAY. I love it. And our ad campaign is called "Livin' La Bora Loca". Hahahah...Hot right? Love, love, love it. It's my idea dammit.
My Stuff
1. key to my place (main door)
2. coins/loose change- philippine money
3. mint gum- the container is from Victoria's Secret For Him breath mints. I replaced the contents with Airwaves.
4. Bench hair stick- i love it.Ii usually like my hair matte and it does the trick.
5. my ancient Nokia phone- hope to get a new one soon. This one reminds me so much of the past. And it's just not because it has a lot of memories in it.
6. Old Guess wallet- my sister-in-law gave this to me. It's battered. But I still like it.
7. pqi 1 Gb flash drive- if you don't have one of these, you're missing a lot. This baby does me wonders. All my pictures, files, documents, music, etc. are in this.
8. Banana Republic Glasses- go this in September of last year. I hate it that my vision is damaged.
That's all for now. Nighters!