Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hello. I'm sick. No, it's not even because it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. I like to think I'm over that. I've been sick for a week now and I hate it. I've had to miss work for several days. It wasn't until yesterday that I went to the doctor and my X-ray result wasn't as good as I had hoped. I really, really want to get well. There's so much on my plate right now it's not even funny.

There's a lot of writing that needs to be done and I haven't started yet so I'll leave my story-telling to these random pictures from Feb. 2 onwards.

No, I didn't get a blood test. Accident.
The best mushroom soup from Mary Grace.
A meaningful night with friends at Nipa Hut.
Please translate.
My new toy from my sister.

Wish me well, yeah? Thanks!

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