Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Crunched Time

This is depressing.

I am someone whose day gets ruined really bad upon finding a small stain on a white shirt. Imagine how horrifying it was when I was handed back my watch with the side details crushed after having the battery replaced at Strap Shop, Robinsons Pioneer.

This was given to me by my mom a few months ago.

The sides cracked and were falling apart after the guy cranked too tight this device used to keep the watch in place while the back/bottom part was being opened. I was so shocked when I saw the damage. He tried to reason with me saying it was just minor but I didn't buy it (duh). I could tell he was nervous and a part of me considered letting it go but I didn't. I couldn't. It's not fair.

The other rep took over and asked me to wait while they contacted their supervisor. It was grueling.

As advised by their superior, they will have my watch fixed so I didn't have any choice but to leave it there and hope for the best.


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