Monday, December 01, 2008

Hello December

Can you believe it's December? I can. I can almost smell Santa's breath in the air.

I just got from an office party called Back to Black. It was fun but some people may have enjoyed it more than I did since the food and the booze were free and there was someone vomiting in the restroom.

My friend H is expecting his long-time online friend turned prospective boyfriend from Saudi (half Filipino) to visit her for the very first time this month and you can just imagine how exciting that is. While I am very happy for this friend of mine, I can't help but wonder when something like this happens to me. He has got to be out there right?

Oh well, 2009 is a new year.

I just popped a Claritin and I think it's already kicking in. Goodnight and good morning.

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