The holiday season was fun, festive, exciting and heart-warming. But it was also tiring, nerve-wracking, expensive and a bit depressing which is why I'm glad it's done and over with. I enjoyed the many gifts, the massive quantity of food and the priceless cheers but it's a new year and I'm definitely ready for new things. So let's move on, shall we?
There's a ton of things I would like to have, do and accomplish this year but we all can't have everything we want, or at least not all at the same time. Nonetheless, here's the top 3 things I'm wishing for this year.
1. A serious romantic relationship- I've been playing the field forever and yet, still no luck. I came pretty close in 2008 but it didn't really get there. More luck and love this year please, yes?
2. A new job- This I would probably need the soonest. My job does not inspire me anymore at all. It's just all about the money as of the moment and I'm not sure until when I'll hold on. This time, I want to do something I'm actually passionate about.
3. A trip abroad- Paris, New York and/or Dubai anyone? Hahahah... Who am I kidding? I think I'll explore my neighborhood first before even dreaming of dining at a Parisian cafe. Asia is very interesting after all.
There's actually a lot more that I wish for this year aside from the vital ones (good health, peace of mind, etc.) but these have to be on top of the list.
Resolutions don't work for me but trust that I am making all the efforts to achieve these wishes. I have been reading The Secret lately too-- universe are you reading this? Hope it works.
There's still 364 days left. Let's see.