Sunday, September 06, 2009

I'm No Buffet

It has been a week since my encounter with The Chef. During the past week, there was no day that I didn't think of him.

The last time I tried to get in touch was the night before my birthday, about a day and a half after we saw each other, when I asked him if we could meet up and have coffee. I didn't hear from him until this morning when I guess he was having morning wood. He wanted to meet up but it didn't happen due to lack of time.

It's very flattering that I please his discriminating palate but good gawd, I thought there was more than just taste testing going on.



  1. LOL!! Awww, James. In fairness, magandang pangalan sa club ang The Chef. Hahaha! Happy 23rd James!! And my wish for your birthday is plain and simple: 23 hot men a la The Chef for you this year!

  2. Hahahah... Thanks Erin! I don't need 23, I just need one. (O di ba?!) lol
